Thursday, July 29, 2010

Golf Plan

  • Golfers arrive at Oquirrh Hills Golf Course at 8 am Shot Gun Start

  • Mulligan Bags available for $20 per team

  • Beer Carts will be around starting at 10 am, including water & soda

  • Putting Green Competition will be going throughout the day $5 for 3 balls at the Putting Green by the Clubhouse (it will be worth it for this prize)

  • Golfers, Raffle Donaters, Hole Sponsors and monetary donaters are all invited to Moose Lodge for a BBQ Lunch

  • Big Raffle
Several nice raffle items have been donated and the list keeps growing. They will be displayed at the Moose Lodge Saturday, but we will have a list of all the raffle items at the course at registration. You may purchase raffle tickets for $1.00 per ticket. They are on sale now through the Moose Lodge and will be available to purchase throughout the day until the Raffle begins.